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Cheryl Bass graduated from Brigham Young University Provo, UT with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development. As one of 7 children, she has always been fascinated by relationships and human interaction. She strongly believes in Psychiatrist Murray Bowen's Systems Theory, which in a nutshell is looking " the parts of a system (such as individual family members) in relationship to the whole (the family). Bowen believed that the personalities, emotions, and behaviors of grown individuals are a result of their role within their family of origin and the coping mechanisms they have developed for dealing with emotional family issues. To understand the family system, the family must be viewed as a whole, and that what defines a family is more than the
people who make it up but also how they interact with each other to create a unique family dynamic."
With that in mind, Cheryl developed Bassic Living because she feels strongly that we, as humans, are all one big connected family. How well we navigate the issues facing Society today depends upon our interaction with one another, just as within a family system. Unfortunately, however, instead of connecting more with one another, isolation continues to break down our "system" and individuals are left to face life feeling wholly alone instead of part of a whole.
Developing Bassic Living is Cheryl's answer to defeating loneliness and isolation, one person at a time. As a natural-born "Connector", Cheryl's talent and passion is for making everyone feel welcomed, included and a part of something meaningful. As a skilled and empathetic listener, she is someone you want to turn to when you need a caring friend, which can be hard to come by. She wants to hear you. She wants you to feel heard AND understood. She wants you to feel less alone because you've got her on your side on your life journey.
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